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8 COVID-19 Vaccine Facts

It's more important than ever to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to protect yourself, your loved ones, and help bring the pandemic to an end. Nearly 60 percent of New Yorkers are vaccinated against COVID-19. However, we understand some folks still have concerns and hesitancy toward the COVID-19 vaccine. And, with so much misinformation regarding the vaccine, it can be difficult to know what's true and what's false.

To help encourage folks to get vaccinated and ease their concerns about the vaccine, we're going to break down several myths about the vaccine. Knowledge is power, and we want to make sure you have the right information to make good choices for your health.

Read on for COVID-19 vaccine myths, debunked.

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts

1. COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips.

Fact: No, the vaccines absolutely do not contain microchips. They do not contain any kind of electronic component. All vaccines are developed to protect against disease, not track your movement or activity by any means. Vaccines are meant to boost your immune system by producing antibodies, which is what would happen if you were exposed to the disease. With vaccines, you become immune to the disease, without having to get sick first.

2. COVID-19 vaccines were made too fast to be safe.

Fact: Some people believe the vaccines were developed too quickly to be safe for use. This is not true. In fact, the technology used to create the new mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is not new and has been around for some time. In fact, mRNA research is decades old and has been used for cancer treatments. The non-mRNA vaccine also uses extensively researched science, which uses a weakened adenovirus. The Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the FDA, and the Moderna vaccine has been approved for emergency use and recently submitted for approval from the FDA.

In regards to the clinical trials for the vaccines, these were also conducted with the same rigor used for all vaccine trials. The results of the trials were extensively reviewed and approved by numerous independent advisory panels. The COVID-19 vaccine was developed quickly due to increased collaboration, the use of new and old technology, and more funding.

3. COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA.

Fact: This is a myth and not true. COVID-19 vaccines to do not change or affect your DNA in any kind of way. The way both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines work is that they deliver instructions (genetic material) to our cells to begin building protection again the virus that causes COVID-19. However, it's important to know that this material never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where DNA is kept.

4. Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will make me magnetic.

Fact: This is also not true. Getting vaccinated will not make you magnetic, including where you received the vaccination on your arm. COVID-19 vaccines do not have any ingredients that would produce an electromagnetic field at the site of your injection. Furthermore, none of the COVID-19 vaccines contain any kind of metal.

5. A COVID-19 vaccine will make me sick with COVID-19.

Fact: No, a COVID-19 vaccine will not cause you to get sick with COVID-19. None of the authorized vaccines in the United States contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. This makes it impossible for you to get COVID-19 from the vaccine. However, when you get vaccinated you may experience some symptoms, such as fever. That's because the COVID-19 vaccines are teaching our immune system how to recognize and fight the virus. It's normal that you experience these symptoms and is an indicator that your body is building protection against the COVID-19 virus.

6. It is not safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine if I want to have a baby.

Fact: This is not true. There is currently no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination will cause any problems with pregnancy, including the development of the placenta. There is also no evidence suggesting that vaccination affects male and female fertility. So, it is safe for anyone who wants to become pregnant now or in the future to get vaccinated.

7. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will cause me to test positive for COVID-19 on a viral test.

Fact: No. None of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines will cause you to test positive on viral tests, which are used to determine whether you have a current infection. However, you may test positive on some antibody tests if your body develops an immune response to vaccination. An antibody test helps determine if you had a previous infection of COVID-19 and that you might have some level of protection against the virus.

8. Not enough clinical trial participants to determine if the COVID-19 vaccine is safe.

Fact: This is not true. Authorized COVID-19 vaccines had tens of thousands of participants in their clinical trials. Participants were then followed for two months after receiving the second dose, which is common practice with vaccine trials.

Information for this blog is derived from the CDC and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

How Apicha CHC Can Help You

At Apicha CHC, we offer the COVID-19 vaccine to everyone and anyone. We also provide COVID-19 testing. To get vaccinated against COVID-19, visit our website to request an appointment here, or call (212) 334-6029.