Ji Hyung
- Author: Ji Hyung
- Date Submitted: Jun 20, 2023
- Category: General
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020, Ji Hyung, a 30-year-old gay man and long-time patient of Apicha CHC, was due for a PrEP follow-up visit. However, days before the appointment, Ji Hyung started feeling sick. After spiking a fever, he got tested for COVID-19 and tested positive.
Apicha CHC immediately took action. Support Services, PrEP Navigation, and Ji Hyung’s primary care doctor worked in tandem to best provide for Ji Hyung’s needs. A week after his diagnosis, Ji Hyung spoke via phone with his PrEP navigator while quarantined at home. Though his COVID symptoms had subsided, he still had concerns about his routine care. Ji Hyung was unable to pick up his PrEP medications. On top of that, his Gilead copay card—which helped Ji Hyung afford his medications—was no longer active.
Within the week, Ji Hyung’s PrEP navigator helped renew the co-pay card, so Ji Hyung could pick up his medication. Apicha CHC also reassured Ji Hyung that he could continue to refill his meds and get screened in person once the clinic reopened. Since receiving his new PrEP prescription, Ji Hyung has been 100% adherent to his medication..